"A-ha" Moments with Valhalla Plugins

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I'm not talking about presets for "Take on Me", although I suppose people are welcome to post those if so inclined. :help:

I'm talking about the moment things clicked :idea: to where I could start designing sounds that meet my needs, not just using presets. While Valhalla plugins have simple interfaces, there's a lot of power under the hood, and settings that work great for one algorithm may sound terrible with another. I am occasionally frustrated by Valhalla's lack of visual feedback for things like decay or density vs. frequency - but that means I just need to use my ears.

I find something to like in every algorithmic reverb but the main thing I take away from them is how to better program the Valhalla stable. I own or have demo-d pretty much every non-dongled, non-CPU destroying algorithmic reverb out there, so notable exceptions to my testing are Exponential Audio and 2C Audio.

I'm sure some of these are obvious but here we go:
Valhalla Room
  • Understanding the Depth slider, how using lower settings to favor the Early reflections can trim up even very long decay times.
  • Depth is more pronounced than most other 'verbs I've used with similar controls.
  • Also, understanding how Early and Late "Size" affect not only Decay time but also Attack - plus frequency focus & resonance.
  • Using the interplay of Attack, Size, and Predelay with the given algorithm to match a song's feel/tempo.
  • Adjusting Bass Mult to maintain consistent low-frequency when changing Decay (also applies to VRoom).
  • Seeing that Nonlinear algorithm in '80s Color could be pretty much its own plugin!
  • Noticing the relation between Color, algorithm, High Damping/EQ frequencies.
  • Discovering that VVV pairs with SpaceModulator, UberMod, and SoundToys delays in magically synergistic ways.
Starting in Mono Reverb mode with pitch shifting off, using low Size and Diffusion with medium Feedback to see the basic character of Shimmer as a delay, then biggening it up from there.

Common to all - inserting a clean EQ/filter with auto-gain compensation before Valhalla stuff on FX returns, occasionally putting a color EQ/saturator/compressor after.


My "a-ha moment" is more general in nature:

I was late to the in-the-box party, only moving over to pc based recording in 2011. One of the first developers I discovered was ValhallaDSP via the free FreqEcho and one of the first plugins I bought was Valhalla Shimmer, with UberMod very soon after. Now I just keep $50 in a digital drawer should something new be released...

It wasn't so much an 'a-ha moment' in learning useful settings/parameter relationships than one in what sort of sound processing I was going to be able to perform affordably as compared to relying on purchasing hardware as in my past.

For me ValhallaDSP was like a first love, and that always makes it sweeter.

yeah, I'm a fanboi.


Most of my aha moments have lately been with Ubermod. There is so much flexibilty involved. I've been able to get into some very strange territory. Playing with the diffusion and tap menu creates all sorts of weirdness.
I like using Vroom for small spaces.
I put a PSP EQ as first FX on all my sends. If i want some nice saturation i overdrive the sat stage of the EQ. Generally i don't need surgical EQ so i use the ConsoleQ or ClassicQ. If i want surgical i use Neon and if i want silky then i use NobleQ.
gadgets an gizmos..make noise https://soundcloud.com/crystalawareness Restocked: 3/24
old stuff http://ww.dancingbearaudioresearch.com/
if this post is edited -it was for punctuation, grammar, or to make it coherent (or make me seem coherent).


One of mine, and it's not specific to Valhalla, is mapping reverb parameters to hardware knobs. I find it's so much easier to dial in sweet spots when I can just swing around one or more physical knobs versus doing the same on a mouse or touch screen. And do it while playback is happening so you can hear what's happening in the context of the mix.

I know this isn't mind blowing, but I never really thought mouse versus hardware knobs/faders would matter for a reverb but to me it does.


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