Post yer ValhallaÜberMod Presets (& preset requests) here!


Post ... rmod-32651

500 presets from Sami Younes, for 8 Euros.


Bought - it's actually 6 Euros till the end of Feb.


Impressive, and worth the money.
Windows 7, Cubase 9.5 and some extra plug-ins | Takamine EN-10C and PRS Mira


Here is an ÜberMod preset called "ÜberThorus 01 IW" that is inspired by a preset i created in the new UVI Thorus Chorus plugin (the Thorus preset used 8 voices and the "Wide" stereo mode):

<ValhallaUberMod pluginVersion="1.0.2" presetName="&#220;berThorus 01 IW" Mix="0.5" Depth="0.39399999380111694" StereoWidth="0.80299997329711914" Delay="0.0023000000510364771" Feedback="0" Spread="1" Slope="0.5" Skew="0.5" Random="0" TapGain="0.54166668653488159" Diffusion="0.20000000298023224" DiffSize="0" DiffModRate="0.064064063131809235" DiffModDepth="0.40000000596046448" LowCut="0.010050251148641109" HighCut="1" SpatialXover="0.04522613063454628" DetuneRate="0.11311311274766922" DetuneDepth="1" VibratoRate="0.01253132801502943" VibratoDepth="0.45199999213218689" OverMod="0" DriveInGain="0.041666667908430099" DriveOutGain="1" DriveNoiseGain="0" FeedbackRotate="0.5" SmoothingTime="0" ColorMode="0" DelaySync="0" type="0.25" DiffEnable="1" Drive="1" DrivePrePost="0" Speed="0" InputPan="0.125"/>

Maybe not 100% perfect but it was my first attempt on this one... :)
Ingo Weidner
Win 10 Home 64-bit / mobile i7-7700HQ 2.8 GHz / 16GB RAM //
Live 10 Suite / Cubase Pro 9.5 / Pro Tools Ultimate 2021 // NI Komplete Kontrol S61 Mk1


A collection of presets (88 presets) focused on

- tempo-based gate reverb (12)
- tempo-based reverse gate (24)
- tempo-based stereo modulated delays (27)
- tempo based slap-back echoes (18)
- ...and a few various others (7)

i've just uploaded here on kvr database : ... /downloads


Preset Request for Ubermod!

I'm trying to get this warpy / flangey sound on the HATS on this song:

So again, I'm talking about the Hats in this song. It sounds like a very short delay that is being modulated somehow, no? I know Cevin Key primarily had access to / messing with Delay devices during this era (1985 -- they didn't have much gear at the time, from what I've read; on this Bites album, it was mostly likely a Lexicon PCM-42 being used on 808 hats).

If you pay close attention to the hats, you'll notice that the timing of the effect changes / is being modulated or automated in some manner. The effect sort of spreads and shifts on the beat a couple times, then goes back to the main flangey sound. It doesn't happen often, but if you listen through you'll notice it, usually located at the end of a measure. While I'm interested in the general hat-warping approach achieved here, I'm also definitely interested in how to get that stretchy sort of modulated sound, too.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!


Wouldn't it be a good idea to put all these presets in one zip file?


Only if someone can be arsed to update it every single time someone posts a new one... Might as well just keep it like it is. :)


Just a few ones that I use a lot:

Jupiter mod: using the preset as a slow and subtle addition to the Jupiter-4 synth, a bit like the Dimension-d

<ValhallaUberMod pluginVersion="1.0.2" presetName="Jupiter mod" Mix="0.5" Depth="0.5" StereoWidth="0.5" Delay="0.0099999997764825820923" Feedback="0" Spread="0.5" Slope="0.5" Skew="0.5" Random="0" TapGain="0.5" Diffusion="0.5" DiffSize="0.02040816284716129303" DiffModRate="0.049049049615859985352" DiffModDepth="0.5" LowCut="0" HighCut="1" SpatialXover="0.14572864770889282227" DetuneRate="0.049049049615859985352" DetuneDepth="0.5" VibratoRate="0.29824557900428771973" VibratoDepth="0" OverMod="0" DriveInGain="0.375" DriveOutGain="0.75" DriveNoiseGain="0.3333333432674407959" FeedbackRotate="0.5" SmoothingTime="0.099099099636077880859" ColorMode="0" DelaySync="0" type="0.041666667908430099487" DiffEnable="0" Drive="0" DrivePrePost="1" Speed="0" InputPan="0.125"/>

Chorale: a slow and subtle flanging effect similar to the MXR flanger 117 pedal but far less intense

<ValhallaUberMod pluginVersion="1.0.2" presetName="Chorale" Mix="0.50700002908706665039" Depth="0.69700002670288085938" StereoWidth="0.97899997234344482422" Delay="0.00050000002374872565269" Feedback="0.68999999761581420898" Spread="0.5" Slope="0.5" Skew="0.5" Random="0.13400000333786010742" TapGain="0.5" Diffusion="0.5" DiffSize="0.37551021575927734375" DiffModRate="0.16116115450859069824" DiffModDepth="0.5" LowCut="0" HighCut="0.77185928821563720703" SpatialXover="0.14572864770889282227" DetuneRate="0.013013012707233428955" DetuneDepth="0.14800000190734863281" VibratoRate="0.29824557900428771973" VibratoDepth="0.016000000759959220886" OverMod="0" DriveInGain="0.44166666269302368164" DriveOutGain="0.63333332538604736328" DriveNoiseGain="0.3333333432674407959" FeedbackRotate="0.5" SmoothingTime="0.099099099636077880859" ColorMode="0" DelaySync="0" type="0.041666667908430099487" DiffEnable="0" Drive="0" DrivePrePost="1" Speed="1" InputPan="0.125"/>

Crazy Hammond:

Something inbetween the scanner vibrato and the fast Leslie setting

<ValhallaUberMod pluginVersion="1.0.2" presetName="Crazy Hammond" Mix="0.50700002908706665039" Depth="0.69700002670288085938" StereoWidth="0.97899997234344482422" Delay="0.00050000002374872565269" Feedback="0.71100002527236938477" Spread="0.5" Slope="0.5" Skew="0.5" Random="0.13400000333786010742" TapGain="0.5" Diffusion="0.5" DiffSize="0.37551021575927734375" DiffModRate="0.16116115450859069824" DiffModDepth="0.5" LowCut="0" HighCut="0.77185928821563720703" SpatialXover="0.14572864770889282227" DetuneRate="0.013013012707233428955" DetuneDepth="0" VibratoRate="0.29824557900428771973" VibratoDepth="0.36000001430511474609" OverMod="0" DriveInGain="0.44166666269302368164" DriveOutGain="0.63333332538604736328" DriveNoiseGain="0.3333333432674407959" FeedbackRotate="0.5" SmoothingTime="0.099099099636077880859" ColorMode="0" DelaySync="0" type="0.041666667908430099487" DiffEnable="0" Drive="0" DrivePrePost="1" Speed="0" InputPan="0.125"/>


If anyone has any other MXR Flanger Doubler presets, it would be great if they could post them. :)


Since there were some requests elsewhere to round up the presets in this thread, here you go.

Folder names should be pretty self-explanatory. "KVR Forum" was anything posted in this thread up to now, "Gearslutz" forum are the ones from over there, and Simon Stockhousen contains his presets from the PatchPool website.

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Thanks Tappistry, you're a king.


Fleer wrote:Thanks Tappistry, you're a king.
You're very welcome, hope the rest of the forum finds it useful as well.


Tappistry wrote:Since there were some requests elsewhere to round up the presets in this thread, here you go.

Folder names should be pretty self-explanatory. "KVR Forum" was anything posted in this thread up to now, "Gearslutz" forum are the ones from over there, and Simon Stockhousen contains his presets from the PatchPool website.

Great work!

Thank you!


Tappistry wrote:Since there were some requests elsewhere to round up the presets in this thread, here you go.

Folder names should be pretty self-explanatory. "KVR Forum" was anything posted in this thread up to now, "Gearslutz" forum are the ones from over there, and Simon Stockhousen contains his presets from the PatchPool website.

Thanks for rounding up all the presets, Tappistry!


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