Architect beta for macOS, Windows, and Linux. 0.10.5 now available

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Welcome to Architect, and thank you for being part of the Architect beta test. A beta software
product is not quite a finished software product, and as such does not necessarily represent
the quality of the final release: features may be missing, and bugs may be present.

Architect is a modular MIDI toolkit and music production environment for macOS, Windows,
and Linux. Similar to the classic modular synths, you build patches from small modules that
work together to generate pieces impossible to conceive of using conventional compositional


The most recent beta uploads will always be found here. As new beta builds become available, I will archive the older builds here so as anyone can downgrade if newer builds introduce show-stopping bugs.

The most recent copy of the quick-start guide (PDF) can be found here.

During the beta phase, Architect will be available at a discounted "early-bird" price, 25% off the standard price of £140 + VAT. You can purchase Architect directly from us here.

Happy Architecting (and Happy new year too.)


Architect beta 0.10.5 is now available to download for macOS, Windows, Linux 32-bit and Linux 64-bit.

This fix some regressions that were included in 0.10.4:

- Fix crash that could occur when adding certain plug-ins.
- Fix crash that could occur when trying to add a plug-in that previously existed, but has either moved or been deleted.
- Fix deadlock when out-of-process plug-in scanner is halted by certain plug-ins locking up during scan.

- Fix upgrade problem in 0.10.4 where tracks that output directly to the Master channel was neither load nor save this connection correctly. Any projects saved in 0.10.4 will need to manually have such tracks update in 0.10.5. Projects saved in 0.10.3 or below are not affected, and will load as expected in 0.10.5.


Architect beta 0.10.4 is now available to download for macOS, Windows, Linux 32-bit and Linux 64-bit.

This release fixes some bugs and usability issues with 0.10.3, including:

* Fix crash when capturing audio output from the mixer.

* Set correct time information on MIDI files captured directly from a track's MIDI output.
* Newly captured MIDI files now base their unique name on their source (either the track name, of the name of the [write to MIDI pool] module.)

* MIDI from the track input is now passed through to the track output only when no plug-ins on the track consume the MIDI events.
* Fix audio artifacts that could occur in certain complex routing configurations.
* Improved allocation of plug-ins between multiple cores to reduce overall CPU time.
* Certain plug-ins will now correctly choose stereo (over mono) input and output.
* Improved performance when one or more plug-ins require PDC (plug-in delay compensation.)
* Multicore scheduler will now leave more resources available for running Architect and plug-in UIs.
* Restricted range of [mixer parameter] module values to 0.0 -> 1.0, as values outside this range crashed some plug-ins.
* Various improvements to make out-of-process scanning more reliable in certain cases.


Architect beta 0.10.3 is now available to download for macOS, Windows, Linux 32-bit and Linux 64-bit.

- (new) Default values for module data inlets can be entered directly on the inlet, reducing the need for [data] modules for constant or default values, and hence generally simplifying and decluttering the graph for most patches.


- (new) Cables can now be manually routed by editing individual cable nodes. Cables that have been manually routed can be converted back to automatic cables with a shortcut or context menu option.


- (new) Multicore support. When enabled, the processing of plug-ins will be distributed across all available cores. This is enabled by default when running Architect as an application, but disabled by default when running as a plug-in (as it is assumed that the hosting application will have its own multicore scheduler.) Changing this setting in a plug-in will not affect the app, and vice-versa.
- (new) AU MIDI FX version of Architect.
- (new) Architect can now host AU MIDI FX plug-ins.
- (new) Note preview for edits made to mono note sequencer, poly note sequencer, and grid step sequencer. This is per module, and disabled by default. Preview can be toggled on via a button in the piano or grid roll, or with a custom keyboard shortcut.
- (fix: Windows) Using a MIDI device in the graph, as a controller mapping source, of as a sync clock source no longer stops the same MIDI device being used for any other reason.
- (fix: Windows) MIDI devices with the same name can now be uniquely identifier, allowing multiple units of the same controller to be used at once.
- (new) Lua scripts can read the default value for an inlet with the "getDefault" method on an inlet object.
- (new) Modules connected to macro inlets will take their default argument value from that specified on the macro inlet.
- (improvement) Lua script can now be directly edited in the Lua module's property display.


- (improvement) Full-screen Lua editor can be closed even if the script is not in a compilable state.
- (improvement) Feedback from the currently selected [Lua script] module will be routed to the console in the module properties window.
- (improvement) Pressing stop when the transport is already stopped will now rewind to the beginning on the arrangement.
- (improvement) The default suggested name for an automation curve will always be guaranteed to be unique.
- (improvement) Plug-in and standalone applications now have separate settings for the UI size and magnification setting.
- (new) Automation modules allow automation to brought into the graph without using remote mappings.
- (new) Recording can be armed on [write to MIDI pool] modules with a property. Additionally, the current armed state is displayed.
- (fix) Fixed issue where MIDI files written to the pool would occasionally render as empty.
- (improvement) Increasing snapping distance when adding wires between modules.
- (fix) Exporting a [Lua script] module or [macro] will sync the module's reference info with whatever is entered as the module's description during export.
- (fix) Crash that could occur when deleting a MIDI pool thumbnail before the thumbnail image had finished rendering.
- (fix) Sequencer values would not be pasted correctly if the clipboard contained probability steps.
- (improvement) Which sequencer cells will be affected by a transform, depending on whether selected-only, dependencies, or all, are now clearly shown.
- (fix) Pasting data from a poly step sequencer when the clipboard contains all poly step sequencer rows now works again.
- (fix) Allow MIDI files to be selected for the MIDI player module, even after the MIDI file has been renamed.
- (improvement) The out-of-process plug-in scanner now waits for longer before deciding that a third-party plug-in has crashed. This allows plug-ins with very slow loading times or start-up procedures to be successfully scanned.
- (improvement) Controls for sequencer editors have been unified, and populated grid cells are, like other sequencers, cleared by double-clicking.
- (new) Multiple cables can now be selected at once using clicks or the lasso tool.
- (change) Cables are now deleted by selecting them and pressing delete, rather than right-clicking. This bring cables into line with other component on the graph.
- (improvement) Automatically routed cables are now better oriented to make data flow clearer.
- (improvement) The graph window now extends in both the positive and negative direction, allowing modules to be placed to the left and above, and removing the need to keep moving modules to make space in these directions.
- (fix) MIDI to Tuple modules now correctly names MIDI CC messages as "controller"
- (fix) When changing the channel of a [CV to audio out] module, the previous channel will be reset to output 0.0 (as opposed to keep outputting the last value.)
- (improvement) Patterns in the Timeline window can be switched with other patterns (or a new pattern) from the context menu.
- (fix) After closing and re-opening the UI, the currently visible area of a scrolled graph window is correctly restored.
- (improvement) Segment curvature is now shown in the tooltip for an automation curve.
- (new) Lanes in grid step sequencers can be named.
- (fix) Correct transport information is now sent to hosted VST3 plug-ins when the transport is playing.
- (fix) Fix obscure issue where occasionally, the arpeggiator would read the current step probability from a step other than the current playing one.
- (improvement) Rows in the table component can be edited with the mouse-wheel.
- (fix) Table "View Group" is only used if the view group is actually specified. That is, an empty string is no longer considered a valid view group.
- (new) A track's audio input can be taken directly from another track's audio output.
- (new) Slider and rotary components have a "Fill Start" property that can be used to created proper bipolar controls.
- (new) Average CPU usage is now shown in the status bar.
- (new) An indicator to show when audio (and hence, event handling) is not running because either no audio-device is selected or a host has suspended audio to the Architect plug-in.
- (new) An indicator below the remote mappings icons will shown when a message is sent through the remote mapping system.
- (new) Timeline window can be zoomed into and out of using keyboard shortcuts.
- (improvement) Valid tempo range for the standalone app has been expanded to 1 and 999 bpm.
- (new) Mixer tracks can now be resized.
- (fix) UI freeze that could occur when showing the name of a [Lua script] or [macro] module's inlet if the name was incredibly long.
- (fix) Uncommitted script in the full-screen editor will be persisted if the UI is closed whilst the editor is modally shown.
- (new) Plug-ins can be moved and copied between tracks.
- (new) Plug-ins can be copied, pasted, and duplicated.
- (new) Mixer tracks can be copied, pasted, and duplicated.
- (improvement) Mixer can now be scrolled with the mouse-wheel.
- (improvement) Mixer will automatically scroll to ensure that newly pasted in tracks or plug-ins will be visible.
- (new) Panel window now has an "Object Palette", showing all modules that can be placed on the panel.
- (new) Panel now has the same "Quick Dialog" for adding modules directly to the panel by typing the module name.
- (fix) If a user macro fails to import (due to a corrupt file or trying to import from an incompatible version), a null undo action will no longer be created.
- (fix) Regression in previous builds (0.10.1 and 0.10.2) that stopped Architect running as a multi-out plug-in.
- (improvement) Optimised [CV to audio out] module so that disconnect CV channel no longer consume any CPU resources.
- (new) PDC (plug-in delay compensation) can be disabled. If a setup uses plug-ins having only minimal latency, disabling PDC can sometimes improve CPU consumption without noticeable audio artifacts.
- (improvement) Plug-in can now take their MIDI input from preceding plug-ins in the same track.
- (improvement) The canvas for the panel window will now by default fill the entire panel.
- (fix) Pan setting for a track can now be specified by entering a value directly into the label.
- (fix) When capturing audio output from the mixer, all channels of the master output are now used.
- (improvement) The full path of the audio pool location is visible as a tooltip.
- (fix) VU meters in the mixer now compensate for plug-in delay and show audio as it is heard.
- (new) Per-track pan law.
- (fix) Pop-up menus are now scaled according to the UI magnification setting.
- (fix) [is nth tick] and [is nth bar] modules no longer accept 0 as a value (which caused an immediate crash.)
- (new) Back-end graphics drivers can be changing under Options > Appearance. Choosing an accelerated graphics driver will generally result in a significant improvement in UI rendering and responsiveness.
- (fix: Windows) Plug-ins are now properly DPI aware.
- (fix: Windows) Plug-ins are now are of per-monitor DPI settings. Dragging plug-ins between windows with different DPI will rescale the plug-ins accordingly.
- (new: Windows) DPI awareness can be disabled per plug-in, and that plug-ins without DPI support will be shown at their expected sizes. This setting is shared by all instances of a specific plug-in.
- (improvement: macOS) Audio formats are preloaded when capturing audio, as previously this process could take a few seconds and cause the first part of the first audio recording made during a session to be truncated.
- (fix) Mapping made to a sequencer speed parameter are mapped across the whole range.
- (improvement) Touch support is now implemented throughout.
- (new) Add transform allows values in a sequencer to be incremented or decremented by a fixed value.
- (new) Multiply transform allows values in a sequencer to be scaled by a fixed value.
- (change) Default range of MIDI keyboard module starts around C3 (48), as opposed to MIDI note 0.
- (new) Momentary buttons are now shown in their modules properties > parameters.
- (improvement) Routings in the Mixer window are now categorised and sorted.
- (new) MIDI devices can be routed directly into a track, without needing to pass it through [MIDI Input] and [MIDI output] modules in the graph.
- (new) MIDI output from a track can be routed directly to any MIDI device.
- (new) MIDI output from a track can be captured and written directly to the MIDI pool.
- (fix) Architect plug-in now correctly handles situations where the audio buffer size is larger than what the host previously suggested it would be.
- (fix: Linux) Modal dialogs and message boxes would occasionally appear behind other dialogs, giving the impression of a frozen UI.
- (fix) Crash that would rarely occur when right-clicking on an empty space lightly below the last preset in the preset browser.
- (improvement) Reduced memory and CPU usage and when hosting a lot of plug-ins by optimising shared audio buffer allocations.
- (improvement) Sliders and rotary controls can be reset to their default value by double-clicking.
- (improvement) All property groups can be opened or closed at once by holding ALT whilst clicking the disclosure triangle.
- (improvement) Significantly reduced the memory requirement per sequencer pattern.
- (improvement) Errors are now categorised into transient and enduring ones, and only transient errors are cleared when the graph is recompiled.
- (improvement) Architect plug-in now has discrete 16-channel MIDI input and output ports, for hosts that allow individual MIDI channels to be referenced.
- (fix) Sysex written to a MIDI file using the [write to MIDI pool] module is no longer corrupted by an additional 0xf0 byte at the front.
- (fix) UI lock-up that could occur when clicking a related spinner control after editing certain properties.
- (improvement) Sequencer modules now show their colour both on the module label and on the tab button. This allows one to quickly identify sequencers, as their colour was already shown in the Timeline and Play windows.
- (improvement) Sources in [MIDI Input] module are now categorised and sorted.
- (improvement) Sources in [MIDI Output] module are now categorised and sorted.
- (improvement) Empty MIDI files are discarded, rather than being written to the MIDI pool.
- (improvement) Delete and backspace keys presses are no longer bubbled up to the host if Architect does not consume this. This means that accidentally pressing delete when nothing is selected will not cause the host to delete the currently selected track or plug-in.
- (fix) Various minor bug fixes and performance improvement.
- (fix) Various minor UI improvements and optimisations.
- (fix) Various plug-in and host compatibility fixes.


Architect beta 0.10.2 is now available to download for macOS, Windows, Linux 32-bit and Linux 64-bit.

- (new) Step sequencers and arpeggiators have a per-step probability, which governs the chance of the note or aux data playing.
- (new) Step sequencer and arpeggiator editors show a note's velocity, probability, and gate-length (where appropriate.)


- (new) Preset browser shows presets in either a grid view, or a sorted list view.
- (new) Presets show the last modified time.
- (improvement) Much faster preset searching and category listing.
- (improvement) Preset browser always opens instantly, even if the last browsed folder contains many presets.
- (new) Added recent file list branch to preset browser.
- (new) Preset files can be located using "Show in Finder" context menu option.
- (improvement) All UI elements can now be tabbed into, and (where appropriate) manipulated entirely with keyboard.
- (improvement) The UI element currently having keyboard focus is rendered more distinctly.
- (new) The value in `data` and `template` modules can be edited directly on the graph.


- (new) Properties can be filtered based on their name.
- (fix) Fix plug-in caching issue that could cause new instances of plug-ins to use the settings of a previously deleted instance of the same plug-in.
- (fix) Message boxes from certain plug-ins (particularly Native Instruments) are now always on top and can no longer lock up the Architect interface.
- (fix) Fix issue where certain plug-ins on Windows would only occupy a quarter of the plug-in editor dialog.
- (improvement) Colour palette selection can be made by double-clicking on an item in the swatch.
- (improvement) Lua editor has a dark theme, to fit better with the rest of the Architect UI.


- (new) Controller mappings are grouped, and groups can be closed.
- (new) Controller mappings can now be individually disabled.
- (fix) Fixed rare crash that could occur after closing a preset with a macro.
- (improvement) Swinger now accumulates the error when a note is swung to a fractional clock value, which results in more accurate swung notes over time.
- (fix) The graph module dialog will not appear if keys are pressed when the graph is locked.
- (improvement) Plug-in searches ignore leading and trailing whitespace in the search criteria.
- (improvement) Sequencers running in "play" mode will listen to events sent to their modulate inlets.
- (fix) A pattern control action is automatically generated when writing a pattern number to a sequencer's pattern inlet. Patterns can be changed just by sending a single numeric event.
- (fix) Previously selected patterns are deselected when the current pattern changes due to "follow" being enabled.
- (improvement) MIDI files exported with drag and drop will keep their current filename, rather than having a unique random name.
- (fix) The source note rote in the arpeggiator is shown as a dependency when selecting related items.
- (improvement) Loop controls in the timeline window are hiiden when the loop is being controlled by an external source.
- (improvement) The tempo and time signatures are shown as locked when they are being controlled by an external source.
- (new) Added "internal" sync mode to Architect plug-in. When this is on, Architect's timeline will override the metre of the host.
- (new) Tracks and channels are listed in a MIDI file's properties.
- (new) MIDI track names are taken from track meta data in the MIDI file.
- (improvement) MIDI files are no longer automatically split into tracks when first imported.
- (new) MIDI files can be split into individual files, one file per track.
- (new) MIDI files can be split into individual files, one file per channel.
- (new) MIDI files can be merged into a single file.
- (new) MIDI files can be merged into a single track in a single file.
- (new) MIDI files have a colour property.
- (new) MIDI thumbnails are generated in a background thread, and so importing a lot will not temporarily freeze the UI.
- (new) Meta data is shown on MIDI preview thumbnails.
- (new) Controller and pitch-bend are now shown on MIDI preview thumbnails.
- (new) MIDI thumbnails images can be enlarged.


- (improvement) Imported and split MIDI files are guaranteed to have unique names, as the [MIDI player] module uses the name to identify them
- (new) [MIDI player] module can play individual tracks.
- (new) MIDI Files can be duplicated
- (improvement) Dragging multiple MIDI or audio files at once will show a single number, rather than giant thumbnails.
- (new) Add `exists` outlet to [get element] module, which returns a boolean value. It is no longer an error to call [get element] with a non-existent key.
- (fix) Momentary buttons can be mapped to controllers.
- (improvement) The default plug-in scanner options will use a separate process for scanning plug-ins.
- (new) [write to MIDI pool] module can write multiple tracks at once, and has discrete inlets for each track.
- (improvement) MIDI thumbnails images are cached.
- (improvement) Preview thumbnails for complex MIDI files are rendered significantly quicker.
- (new) Split panels can be hidden by moving the splitter to the edge.
- (fix) Fix issue where panels could become effectively invisible by moving the splitter to the edge.
- (improvement) Arranger has separate rows for time signatures and tempo changes
- (new) Time signature and tempo changes can be added to the timeline with keyboard shortcuts, or from UI buttons.
- (fix) MIDI Clock module sends a 'continue' message after the transport position jumps.
- (fix) Confirmation dialog always appears when closing an unsaved preset.
- (improvement) Clearing scanned plug-ins requires a confirmation,
- (improvement) Scale editor UI looks better.
- (new) Custom scale list labels the intervals.


- (new) Built-in scales can now be imported as custom scales for inspection or editing.
- (new) The properties, controller mappings, scale, MIDI and audio pool windows are resizable.
- (fix) Correct shortcuts are shown on speed and count rows in step sequencer editors.
- (improvement) Timeline cursor and view returns to 1:1:001 when opening a new preset.
- (new) Can move between rows in a grid sequencers using cursor up and down keys.
- (improvement) Gate modulation values are shown as a percentage.
- (improvement) Gate modulation range has increased to 101%, to allow modulating from 0% to tie, or from tie to 0%.
- (change) [automation] module is now called [mixer parameter].
- (improvement) When step-recording, newly recorded steps will have sensible default gate and probability settings.
- (fix) Crash that would occur when zooming into the timeline at an extremely high transport position.
- (fix) Fixed various issues with sequencers and transport position-based modules when the clock is at a very high transport position.
- (improvement) MIDI song position messages are now wrapped when the position exceeds the expected range.
- (improvement) Various cosmetic UI changes and UI performance improvements.


Architect beta 0.10.1 is now available to download for macOS, Windows, Linux 32-bit and Linux 64-bit.

- (new) Added "Note, Highlight Scale" options to mono- and poly- sequencers. When enabled, notes that are in the currently selected scale and tonic will be shown.
- (new) Added per-sequencer stop button to each sequencer in the Play view. These buttons also act as mapping destinations.
- (new) Added global stop button in the Play view. This button also acts as a mapping destination.
- (new) Template module, which builds composite data values similar to the [data] module, but will replace $0, $1, etc placeholders with the most recent value in the corresponding inlet.
- (new) Data force to scale module, which alters a scalar or vector array of notes representing MIDI keys to be in scale.
- (new) Increment in scale module, which takes a MIDI key number and produces number corresponding to the MIDI key of the next or previous note in the given scale.
- (new) Improve keyboard control throughout to make the majority of interface elements useable from the keyboard alone.
- (new) Custom keyboard bindings.
- (new): Can bring existing modules directly into the Play and Panel views through the standard add menu.
- (new) Can show the Graph "Quick Dialog" by pressing the Tab key.
- (improvement) Changed metronome sound to better emphasise the difference between on and off beats.
- (fix) Setting a sequencer's pattern via the modulation inlet would be ignored immediately after a reset or a load.
- (improvement) Module information is cached to speed up the Object palettes in the Graph and Panel views
- (improvement) Adding an object to the Graph, Panel, Play window, Timeline, or mixer, will always scroll the view to ensure that the new objects are immediately visible.
- (improvement) Holding down SHIFT whilst moving the focus with the cursor keys will add the new item to the focus, where appropriate.
- (fix) Removed "Convert Alias to New Pattern" option which erroneously appeared on Stop, Continue, or Restart cells in the play view.
- (new) The mouse-wheel can be used to scroll sequencers, arpeggiator, table, or Timeline rulers.
- (improvement) Searches and now more responsive throughout
- (improvement) Sequencers will now always be created with globally unique names.
- (fix) Changed slightly incorrect name for the actions available when mapping to a Play view Scene.
- (improvement) Arpeggiator source note display is now entirely icon based.
- (fix) Arpeggiator no longer resets mid-loop if it receives a note-on whilst on an untriggered step.
- (fix) "Invert Selection" transform only inverts the selected items.
- (new) Can add object to the Graph and Panel views through a toolbar button.
- (change) Zooming using the mouse-wheel now requires that ALT must be held down.
- (improvement) Various UI changes.


Architect 0.10.0 is now available for download for macOS, Windows, Linux 32-bit, and Linux 64-bit.

0.10.0 adds the following changes:

- (new) Bridged plug-in scanner ensures that plug-ins which crash or are unstable will not crash Architect.
- (new) Plug-in scan is now a background job and so will continue when the options dialog, or even the Architect UI (when running as a plug-in), is closed.
- (new) Known plug-ins are now listed in the plug-ins dialog, along with some of their configuration details.
- (new) Blacklisted plug-ins list.
- (new) Graph can be zoomed with the mouse-wheel.
- (new) Graph can be scrolled by dragging with the third mouse-button.
- (improvement) Various UI improvements.
- (improvement) Faster preset browser.


Architect 0.9.12 is now available. As requested, I've moved the hosting server to one that will hopefully have fewer issues, but please do let me know if you're not able to download.

Linux 32-bit
Linux 64-bit

0.9.12 adds the following changes:

- (improvement) MIDI note properties can now be specified by both name ('C3') or numeric value ('60').
- (new) Step values in all the sequencers and the arpeggiator can be changed using the mouse-wheel.
- (fix) Arpeggiator scanner no longer will always play the last note from the source notes.
- (fix) The state of various UI elements, which were not persisted correctly when re-opening the UI, are now saved and restored as expected.
- (new) The shading stripes on the sequencer and arpeggiators can now be grouped in any width, rather than always being in 4's.
- (improvement) The modules context menu is now sorted alphabetically.
- (fix) Sequencer cells on the Play window are now resized correctly when a sequencer track is resized.
- (new) Architect now supports a maximum of 32 outputs (16 pairs of stereo output.)
- (fix) Architect plug-in will now correctly route audio to the auxilliary outputs.
- (improvement) Various UI fixes and improvements.


Another Friday beta is out. Architect 0.9.10 can be downloaded here.

- (new) Added new plug-in browser. Plug-ins can be searched, filtered, and sorted. Favourite plug-ins can be tagged. Plug-ins can be quickly added to the current track from the search window by pressing return.
- (fix) Allow import of MIDI files with things other than a lower-case .mid extension into the MIDI pool.
- (improvement) Moved the hosted plug-in program and bank options from the plug-in's UI window to the plug-in's properties. This change means that programs and banks can be loaded and saved without opening the UI, and also reduces the screen space taken up by plug-in windows.
- (fix) When exporting a macro or Lua script module, the fragment will take its description from the already specified module reference info field.
- (fix) Fix crashes and/or silent failures that could occur when exporting audio files, MIDI files, or fragments to invalid directories or with invalid names.
- (improvement) The default filename for an exported fragment will always be a legal filename.
- (fix) The vector equality (==) and inequality (!=) modules now accept empty arrays (and will produce an empty array in such a case.)
- (fix) Fix timing issues with MIDI input and plug-in automation that could occur when using large audio buffer sizes.
- (improvement) Misbehaving plug-ins that produce ridiculously loud output no longer causes the mixer's meters to seemingly freeze for a while.
- (fix: Windows) Windows applications are now uninstalled correctly
- (fix: Windows) When installed to a subfolder, that subfolder is now deleted on uninstall (if the folder is empty after Architect's own files are uninstalled.)


0.9.9 beta is now out, with a few more bug fixes. Download it here for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

- (fix) Fix crash that could occur when certain hosted plug-in windows were still open when Architect is closed.
- (fix) Cables can now be deleted even when they have been set to transparent.
- (fix) [is nth tick] module now works correctly for divisions that don't fit exactly in a bar.
- (add) Confirmation and the opportunity to save is given when closing the standalone application if the current preset has unsaved changes.
- (add) Confirmation and the opportunity to save is given when requesting a new preset if the current preset has unsaved changes.
- (add) Shortcut key (ctrl+N or cmd+N) to create a new preset.
- (change) Cases of priority labels in [note priority] module are now in headline case, to match other module properties.
- (change) Setting module attributes using strings is now done case-insensitively when the property is a fixed enumeration (i.e., not for setting files from the MIDI Pool on a [MIDI player] module, or for specifying custom scale names.)
- (add) [numeric table] and [boolean table] have a wrapping setting that allows reads beyond the table indices to be folded back to the correct range using various schemes.
- (change) [numeric table], [boolean table], and [grid] no longer have "setup event" set to true as default. Setup events for these modules can still be turned on from the properties.


0.9.8 beta is now out, with a few more bug fixes. Download it here for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

- (fix) Fix lock-up that would occur when changing a Lua script module's pin name and then immediately changing the number of inlet or outlet pins on the same Lua script module.
- (fix) Resizing a sequencer's row in the play ui was causing significant CPU spikes as a lot of additional activity was unnecessarily being done in response to the change in size.
- (fix) Parsing of a data's value is now performed in the "C" locale, regardless of the operating system locale.
- (fix) Fixed unlikely race condition that could affect tracing from a Lua script module whilst simultaneously saving a patch or fragment.


0.9.7 beta is available here

* (fix) crash when sending a value through a branch that has previously received an out-of-range control index.
* (change) libcurl is no longer a required dependency for Linux releases of Architect.
* (added) "Convert Alias to New Pattern" option to unalias clips in the play grid (same as the Timeline view).
* (added) Can move the graph by holding down ALT and left-dragging the canvas.
* (fix) Can now map toggle button widgets directly on the custom UI panel.
* (change) Widgets on the custom UI panel mapped to controllers will output their current values only when the value actually changes.


0.9.5 beta is available here

- (fix) Fix crash that could occur after deleting modules.
- (fix) Fix crash that could occur when starting Architect with certain audio drivers.
- (fix) Fix UI freeze on Windows that could occur when the mouse hovers over an automation curve node and shows a tooltip.
- (improvement) Module error symbols are now automatically removed when a meaningful change occurs to the graph.
- (improvement) MIDI events will still continue to propagate even after an upstream error.
- (improvement: plug-in) UI state is now persisted and restored when the UI is reopened.
- (fix) Aux step sequencer parameters can now be mapped to controllers.
- (fix) Grid step sequencer velocity and gate rows can now be mapped to controllers.
- (fix) Removed memory leak that can occur after streaming audio to the audio pool.


0.9.3 beta is available here
- (fix) Mappings made to a divide parameter were affecting multiply parameters.
- (fix) Sequencers set to "Stationary" were running in "Brownian" mode.
- (add) Added logging and callstack tracing
- (improvement) Sequencers now restart when the host transport jumps to the origin.
- (improvement) Plug-ins saved in mixer tracks now store more identifying information to better match against the same plug-in when the project is loaded on different machines or operating systems.


0.9.2 beta is up here.

- (fix) Hosted plug-ins with no inputs and multiple outputs couldn't have their outputs routed to other tracks.
- (improvement) Plug-ins are no longer removed if their corresponding "find" option is left unchecked.
- (improvement) Plug-ins can now be sorted in the Mixer plug-in palette.
- (improvement) Plug-in preferences are now saved before a scan so settings are retained if a third-party plug-in causes a crash.
- (add) The default paths for each plug-in format can be optionally disabled when scanning for new plug-ins.
- (improvement) Reduced the height of the reference panel module properties.
- (improvement) Plug-in scanning can be cancelled during a scan.


0.9.1 is now available here: ... sp=sharing

- (fix) Fix a crash that could occur at some time after deleting a sequencer module.
- (improvement) macOS application is now a 32-bit and 64-bit universal binary. The previous release was 32-bit only.
- (fix) Fix a minor typo in the metronome properties.
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


I won't be around this evening much, what with it being New Year's Eve and all, so if there are any show-stopping bugs I will deal with them tomorrow.

Otherwise, if nothing critical crops up, I anticipate releasing periodic beta updates somewhere between once and twice a week.

The goals as we head to the 1.0 version are:
  • Improved stability. Any bugs that slipped through my internal testing will be fixed.
  • Features, both smaller ones suggested by you and the ones that had to be pushed to the back-burner in order to get the beta out in time.
  • Documentation and tutorials.
  • The user library. I'm hoping for a big library of macros so that even those who don't fancy dabbling the the graph can do wonderful things with Architect.
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


Here we go
what you don't know only makes you stronger


By the way, I'd suggest that anyone finding any bugs or having feature requests should make a thread for them. In the noise of a busy main thread it's all too easy for people's posts to go unnoticed.
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


Awesome. Bought :) ... Happy New Year Colin, this is going to be great :D


Happy New Year Colin! :clap:


Yay :) :)


Installer gives integrity check error on win10 here
what you don't know only makes you stronger


Awesome but it won't open on my mac, high sierra

edit: it did install though... but yeah, definitely wont open the program
Last edited by simmo75 on Mon Dec 31, 2018 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.


woggle wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 8:32 pm Installer gives integrity check error on win10 here
Same here on Win 7
The inner workings of vurts mind are a force to be reckoned with.
music is a need in my life...yes I could survive without it but tbh I dont know how


woggle wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 8:32 pm Installer gives integrity check error on win10 here
Same here. Size of setup file is 29 021 960 bytes.


I also got the NSIS Error on win 8.1 64 bit


woggle wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 8:32 pm Installer gives integrity check error on win10 here
^ this ...


Hang on, give me a second, I'll re-upload the Windows build. Sorry for the hiccup.
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


Working fine on 10.11.6 so far. If only I hadn't already drunk a bottle of champagne and had the brain to figure it out. Happy new year Colin (and all) !

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