
OhMy!Bytes announces Hickory and Dickory: dedicated MIDI Controllers for Fabfilter's Pro Q, Pro C and Pro L plugins

9th May 2018

OhMy!Bytes has announced Hickory and Dickory, new dedicated MIDI Controllers for Fabfilter's Pro Q, Pro C and Pro L plugins.

OhMy!Bytes was born in 2017 due to a collaboration with dBeautySalon mastering studio, although the original idea comes from several years ago.

Here's what they say: "As musicians and tech nerds we've always had the feeling that musician needs and musical industry solutions often go over different paths. This together with our obsession for the DIY world has encouraged us to make our own gear and gadgets for stage or studio."

The result of these needs are Hickory and Dickory, two MIDI controllers that are developed to deal with the plugin parameters in a comfortable and customized way, improving the workflow.

With a robust design, the hands-on feeling reminds to analog gear and not only for their looks. Each one of the potentiometers (not encoders) are momentary-push type so they can have double functionality.

Both controllers can deliver Control Change and NRPN MIDI messages. Also, OhMy!Bytes are working in the firmware to make them Open Sound Control (OSC) ready.

"The search of the solution we needed as musicians and producers, and the fact that other colleagues in the sector got interested in this kind of devices, inspired us to create a product designed by professionals to professionals." - Álvaro Rubalcaba, OhMy!Bytes founder.

Nano Cañamares, mastering engineer at dBeautySalon studio says: "I had a crazy idea and knew that only OhMy!Bytes were capable of realising it. Today, Hickory and Dickory are the core of my studio and I couldn't be more satisfied with the result. They are sturdy, reliable and make my workflow even more flexible than it was. The hands-on feeling of analog gear without having to give up the infinite possibilities of the digital realm. Absolutely stunning!"

Both controllers come in rack format, but a desktop stand solution is also available.

Hickory and Dickory will be available for sale in the next few weeks. The initial price of each unit will be 249 euros, including worldwide shipping costs.


KVR Audio, Inc.