
Exponential Audio releases Nimbus Stereo Reverb Plug-in

28th September 2016

Exponential Audio has released Nimbus, a new and improved reverb unit based on the familiar PhoenixVerb but offering better sound, greater flexibility and new capabilities:

There were always elements - like overdrive - that Nimbus creator Michael Carnes felt would be helpful in 'warming up' a reverb. He also saw a need to dynamically lower reverb levels in louder parts of a mix: with dynamic tail suppression Nimbus now has this covered.

Users have long asked for tempo-controllable pre-delay: Nimbus now has this implemented.

Over 1200 presets and handy new tool-tips: Nimbus has everything under control to get you started.

Features at a glance:

Through October 5, you can purchase Nimbus for $139. And if you already have any other Exponential Audio plugin you can upgrade for $99. After October 5, Nimbus will be $199 (upgrade $139).

Nimbus is available for 64-bit Mac OS X and Windows in VST2, VST3, AU and AAX plugin formats (32-bit AAX is also available).



KVR Audio, Inc.