
Patchpool releases Falcon Singles - Falcon Scapes Vol.1

25th February 2016

Patchpool has released the 5th library in the Falcon Singles-series: Falcon Scapes Vol.1. This collection assembles "a small sonic universe, combining cinematic, mysterious, wondrous, abstract and ethereal soundscapes with lush and haunting vocal pad sounds and one-finger-beauties, dark and futuristic drones and some animated sequences".

Many presets make use of Falcon's multi-granular engine and there is also a wavetable synth included. Quite a few presets are running in split mode and/or layer sound textures via key-switches. Up to 20+ Macros and switches plus the modulation wheel are assigned in each patch, many also use aftertouch, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, EQ-ing, dynamics, stereo animation, effects and more.


Price: € 18.50 (25% discount for active Iris subscribers in 2016).

KVR Audio, Inc.