
Ample Sound Releases “Ample Guitar II” Virtual Guitars for Mac & Win

16th February 2015

Ample Sound has released Ample Guitar II, a completely recreated program with loads of new features, including:

New sample engine with significant performance improvement:

New Strummer with drag & drop support:

VST3 format is now supported for Mac & Windows.

Added Slide Guitar articulation/group samples for all guitars.

Improved and optimized GPX format support in the built-in tab player.

Completely new standalone app which can load all Ample Sound plugins with virtual keyboard support.

Other updates:


Important Information
Ample Guitar II cannot load presets/settings created/used with previous 1.x version software directly. However, parameters in 2.0 version software cover all parameters in 1.x versions, which means copying details of parameters from 1.x presets to 2.0 software is doable by hand. Users can keep the old version 1.x while installing version 2.0. They can run and exist in parallel.

All updates are free of charge for owners of corresponding Ample Guitar software. Users can get their updates through the MyAmpleSound page.

Demo songs

KVR Audio, Inc.