
Synthblitz Audio releases "Deep One" - Win VST synth for Techno

20th November 2012

Synthblitz Audio has released Deep One, a new FM synth (in phase modulation) with 6 special operators designed to generate powerful sounds used in electronic dance music.

For each operator there is the ability to control the octaves, semitones, tuning and frequency modulation. Each carrier can be controlled in phase modulation also by a dedicated LFO and there is a total of 6 LFOs available for the FM section. Unlike some other FM synths, Deep One allows the operator to add its final result the signal sent from the modulator. This technique allows you to get out of each operator sound fat and full of harmonics.

The 6 operators work only in parallel to create powerful sounds but also to facilitate the programming of the end user. Deep one has 540 editable programs. All programs are useful for making electronic music and there are more than 300 arpeggios for techno.


Deep One is available as a VST instrument plug-in for Windows for the special launch price of €29. You can download the demo here.

KVR Audio, Inc.