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Tone2 Audiosoftware launches Rayblaster Contest

Tone2 Audiosoftware

Tone2 is running a contest to find out what you can do with Rayblaster - a chance to show your producer skills, check out what Rayblaster is capable of, and at the same time win Tone2 products.

Anyone can enter by using the Rayblaster demo or full version to produce a short demo song using only the factory presets.


  1. $250 credit to spend in the Tone2 shop.
  2. $200 credit credit to spend in the Tone2 shop.
  3. $100 credit credit to spend in the Tone2 shop.

Those who do not win, but still have their song chosen for the Rayblaster product demo, receive a free Warmverb or Filterbank3 license.

The contest will run from the 27th of December, 2012, until the 13th of January, 2013.

More information and rules are available at the Rayblaster contest page: tone2.com/teaser/competition



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