
Bitwig and Orchestral Tools release Orchestral Woodwinds for Bitwig Studio

20th December 2022

Bitwig and Orchestral Tools have teamed up to release Orchestral Woodwinds, a free sound package that brings the sounds of a modern orchestra into Bitwig Studio.

This sound package contains world-class recordings of a woodwind ensemble by Orchestral Tools, a leading creator of premium symphonic sample collections.

The woodwind section offers the broadest range of sounds and colors in the orchestra, and this sound package puts that diversity right in your hands. 14 presets offer standard ensembles, whether it's instruments paired for octaves or the entire set of high and low winds, all with different velocities, articulations, and half- and whole-step trills. All of this is optimized for Bitwig's Sampler, including release samples that capture the space of Berlin's legendary Teldex Studios. And in addition, 14 more presets blend these high-quality samples with Bitwig Studio's own tools, turning your notes into arpeggiated musical patterns, minimal soundscapes with a modern bite, or just enough irregularity that an old line becomes new.

Availability and Pricing

For Bitwig Studio license holders with an active Upgrade Plan, the Orchestral Woodwinds sound package is now available for free via Dashboard > Packages > Partner Collection. Required version is Bitwig Studio version 4.4.6 or later.

Until January 09, 2023 Bitwig is running a Winter Special:

KVR Audio, Inc.