
Nikolozi updates Mela to v2.5 - Brings macOS Support

18th December 2021

Nikolozi has updated Mela, a virtual analog synthesizer and a multi-effects module for iOS and macOS, to version 2.5.


Mela 2.5 brings macOS support to both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs. This means you can now use Mela and Mela FX audio units inside Logic Pro, GarageBand and REAPER on your Mac. If you begin working on a track in GarageBand on your iPhone or iPad, and later open the project in Logic Pro on your Mac, then all instances of Mela and Mela FX audio units will load just as you left them on your iOS device.


Download the update from the App Store. It's a free update for the existing users of Mela.

KVR Audio, Inc.