
Win three modeled synth plugins from Softube

8th May 2023

In celebration of the release of Softube's brand new Model 80 Five Voice Synthesizer, KVR Audio and Softube are giving away a bundle of three plugins to one lucky winner, including the Model 82 Sequencing Mono Synth, the Model 84 Polyphonic Synthesizer, and the Model 72 Synthesizer System.

Softube's synth offerings are meticulously modeled after their analog counterparts, representing some opf the most iconic synthesizers of all time. Each contains two versions, the plugin, and a set of modules for use in Softube Modular.

Model 80 Five Voice Synthesizer is available now to purchase from www.softube.com on a time limited intro offer for $99($159).

To stand a chance at at winning any of these three synthesizer plugins from Softube, head over to the giveaway sign up page here.

KVR Audio, Inc.