Learning P11 Abyss

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I'm playing with P11 Abyss at the moment. I've been learning about compression and getting to the stage where I feel like I know roughly what I'm doing with most compressors. It feels like there's a learning curve with P11 though. Presumably this is because it's an RMS compressor rather than a peak compressor?

Clearly, it's possible to do pretty much anything with it. Online videos have shown the author reproducing other plugins' sounds quickly and easily. I'd like to get to that point with my knowledge, but am struggling a bit with the learning curve.

I'm just interested to know if others have found it similarly hard, and whether anyone has any tips for learning it quicker/better.


I have it. It's hard for me to actually figure out but I'm more composer than engineer so I don't try and get too deep into compression like many do.Sometimes though, I can't even get the needle to move because some control is this way not that way or something but I like the sound of it when I do get it going. The presets help as good starting point so if I have too much of a time getting it going like I want I call up a suitable preset and mess with the threshold until I get going with it. P11 and my Massenberg MDWDRC2 are pretty much my best sounding compressor plugins.


Couple of days later, and it's definitely reassuring that the presets can get me the sounds I want, so that was a good steer, thank you. So everything points to the compressor being capable of doing anything, it's just my learning/understanding.

I guess I'll keep plugging away.


You might also want to explore the "presets guide" ... provides descriptions & rationale of a number of presets and what potential tweaks to settings might affect.


I’m still learning and I found myself struggling with it too at first. It really forces you to listen and then you have to decide how to shape your sound. Knowing what does what helps.
I would suggest to start with the basics, threshold, attack, release, ratio. Then slowly, play with the PSI and knee. It can help you achieve either a dark sound or a punch sound.
The SC input is really helpful if you do not want to compress your low end.
I sometimes use the clipper on this but these days, I tend to use the clipper on the P44 more.
On the right, there the EQ section where you can further shape your sound and also below it, are the saturation circuits. If I’m not mistaken, A is warm and AB is more edgy.
The O2 helps to make the track more open and wide. A little is more than enough.
I don’t usually use everything at once. Only what I need and even then I play around with certain knobs, to see what I like in the context of everything.
Reading the preset guide is really helpful to first help you understand what is what.
When you’re playing around with it, and discover something you like, save it as a preset. It helps.
Even the OS and Mod can change the sound.
I don’t use the limiter personally yet. But, I’m still learning this compressor.


You learn compression on +300 usd compressor while having all the “free” compressors you get with your DAW? Interesting…


HcDoom wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 11:56 pm You learn compression on +300 usd compressor while having all the “free” compressors you get with your DAW? Interesting…
Interesting or sarcasm like that's somehow a dumb thing to do? Pretty simple, if you have $300 to spare and you want a $300 compressor, then get it, learn on it if you want to. More power to you. Have fun. Life is short. :roll:


I'm not learning compression though. I understand compression.

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